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Author Topic: 12 ATC Initialization MACRO HELP  (Read 4808 times)

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12 ATC Initialization MACRO HELP
« on: November 18, 2009, 12:54:51 PM »
We have a 12 ATC that we are trying to Initialize (find tool position one).  The macro below works, but I think there might be a better way to move an axis and monitor an switch change.

My question is, while an axis is moving and a switch change is detected, what is the best way to 1) grab the position of the axis and stop the motor smoothly.  Our Macro works, but the motor STOPS, it does not decelerate to a stop.  We are using C Axis for the ATC Carousel Motor

'   M1002.mls   Initialize the ATC     17NOV2009
'   Initiailize the ATC
'   1) Checks if the Carousel is HOMED, if so, backs it off the HOME switch
'   2) Finds HOME and Moves 1/2 Revolution of the Motor Shaft
'   3) Checks the INDEX and HOME switchs to make sure we are correct
'   4) Sets the DROs to a know state
Sub Main()
    Dim AxisName As String
    Dim CodeBuffer As String
    Dim Timeout As Integer    
    ' Define I/O and OEM Parameters
    Const StopButton = 1003             ' OEM Stop Button
    Const eStop = 1021                  ' OEM eStop Button
    Const HomeSW = Input4               ' Mapped to Input4
    Const IndexSW = Input3              ' Mapped to Input3
    Const MotorEnable = Output1         ' Mapped to Output1
    Const CarouselMotor = 5             ' Mapped to C Axis
    AxisName = "C"                      ' Mapped to C Axis
    Message "Initializing the ATC..."

    ' Enable Motor and let the Motor Driver Stablize
    ActivateSignal( MotorEnable )
    Sleep 100

    ' If we are currently HOMEd, then move off of HOME.
    If IsActive( HomeSW ) Then
        ' Get the current motors Position
        Timeout = 0        
        MotorPosition = GetABSPosition( CarouselMotor )
        MotorPosition = MotorPosition - 25
        CodeBuffer = "G0 G56 " & AxisName & MotorPosition
        ' Message "ATC: CODE: " & CodeBuffer
        Code CodeBuffer
            While IsActive( HomeSW )
                Sleep 10
                ' Check for TimeOut ( 5 Second )
                Timeout = Timeout + 1
                If Timeout = 500 Then
                    Message "!!! ATC Home Sw TimeOut 1 !!!"
                    Sleep 1000
                    DoOEMButton( eStop )
                    Exit Sub
                End If

        ' Stop the Motor
        DoOEMButton( StopButton )
            While IsMoving()
                Sleep 10
    End If    

    ' Move until we see the HOME Switch, then continue to the Middle
    MotorPosition = GetABSPosition( CarouselMotor )

    ' Move until we see the Home SW, could be as much as 12 Positions
    Timeout = 0        
    MotorPosition = MotorPosition + ( 25 * 12 )
    CodeBuffer = "G0 G56 " & AxisName & MotorPosition
    ' Message "ATC: CODE: " & CodeBuffer
    Code CodeBuffer
        Do Until IsActive( HomeSW )
            Sleep 10
            ' Check for TimeOut ( 25 Seconds )
            Timeout = Timeout + 1
            If Timeout = 2500 Then
                Message "!!! ATC Home Sw TimeOut 2 !!!"
                Sleep 1000
                DoOEMButton( eStop )
                Exit Sub
            End If

    ' Stop the Motor
    DoOEMButton( StopButton )
        While IsMoving()
            Sleep 10
    ' Grab the home Position we just found
    MotorPosition = GetABSPosition( CarouselMotor )
    Message "ATC: Home found at: " & MotorPosition

    ' Set the new target position and execute ( 1/2 Revelution of the Motor Shaft )
    MotorPosition = MotorPosition + 12.5
    CodeBuffer = "G0 G56 " & AxisName & MotorPosition
    ' Message "ATC: CODE: " & CodeBuffer
    Code CodeBuffer
        While IsMoving()
            Sleep 10

    ' Make sure both the Home and Index Switches are Active
    If Not( IsActive( HomeSW )) Then
        Message "!!! ATC HOME Sw not Set !!!"
        Sleep 1000
        DoOEMButton( eStop )
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not( IsActive( IndexSW )) Then
        Message "!!! ATC INDEX Sw not Set !!!"
        Sleep 1000
        DoOEMButton( eStop )
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Clear DROs
    SetMachZero( CarouselMotor )        ' Machine Cords
    SetUserDRO( 1000, 1 )               ' ATC Tool Position

    ' Disable Motor Driver
    DeActivateSignal( MotorEnable )
End Sub  
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 10:57:44 AM by JHChoppers »
Re: 12 ATC Initialization MACRO
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2009, 03:57:31 PM »
little off topic, but can these ATC's work with NMTB 30 toolholders?

Offline Graham Waterworth

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Re: 12 ATC Initialization MACRO HELP
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2009, 12:22:17 PM »
Why not do a G28.1 and let mach do a normal find home position.

You can have a 'home off position' set for the C axis which will then allow you to do a rapid move to the required starting position.

That's how I do mine.

Or am I way off what you are trying to do.

Without engineers the world stops