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Author Topic: Huanyang VFD controller plugin  (Read 601377 times)

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Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« Reply #230 on: March 07, 2011, 07:40:10 AM »
Hi Guys,
The parts have arrived and I finally got around to putting them into the VFD. The good news, no smoke!
The parts were the Max485 chip, the opto-isolated IGBT driver, a 1N5408 diode, two 1N4746A zener diodes, and the IGBT.   
I also replaced the solid capacitor wires with larger stranded wires to avoid the fatigued breakages that Sinij kot experienced.

With the Max485 chip installed I found that the plugin works a treat, I had no major issues setting it up. I haven't played with the DRO's yet but can set the direction and speed with M3,M4 commands and stop it with M5.

I haven't installed a brake resistor yet, but did probe the connection between the control board and the power board on pins 15 and 19. With the right setup I can see the signal change when the DC bus voltage increases to 370V while decelerating.
The change only happens on the quickest deceleration setting (0.1sec) and only for a short time due to the low spindle inertia. You can hear the drive go into coast stop when the voltage reaches 370V.
I'll have more to report when I fit a brake resistor.

I think the resistor pair R8a,b and the relay K1 were meant to be in rush protection for the capacitor bank, but it should have been inline between the bridge and the positive side of the capacitors to be effective. That's why the relay has been hard wired to be energized all the time. To get around this error the have probably used high ESR capacitors in the bank.

Here are some pics of the component installed. All except the opto which I put in after the pics.
I have also amended the schematic buy putting a part number with the diode D1.

pic1 - max485 chip installed
pic2 - zener diodes installed on outer legs of IGBT, center connection raised away from the board for isolation
pic3 - IGBT installed
pic4 - side view of IGBT installed don the heat sink

Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« Reply #231 on: March 07, 2011, 07:55:02 AM »
Here are some more pics, and the PDF

pic1 - new capacitor wires
pic2 - new silicone heat sink pads
pic3 - Installed the missing 10way IDC header for probing signals
PDF1 - Updated circuit diagram.

Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« Reply #232 on: March 15, 2011, 10:37:13 AM »
Just a quick note,
The RS Components part number for the missing control board relay (either GDQ1 or GDQ2) is 5330845. The manufactures part number is PCH-124D2H and they are made by Tyco Electronics.
Cost is about $4 AU plus shipping


Offline sebba

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Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« Reply #233 on: March 24, 2011, 09:08:12 AM »

I'm new in this domain and I bought a 1.5kw water-cooled metal spindle + vfd from china.
The VFD is a Fuling DZB200B model (2.2kw).

Is it possible to control it with this plugin? 


Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« Reply #234 on: March 24, 2011, 10:30:28 AM »
Hi Sebba,
I had a quick glance of the RTU protocal for both the Huanyang and Fuling VFD's.

The Huanyang protocal seams to include a length byte between the CMD and DATA bytes that the Fuling does not have in it's RTU protocal.
I seam to remember that the Huanyang does not us true MODBUS protocal and that's why this plugin was written.

The Fuling might be able to use the included Mach spindle controls, but that I can't help you with.

Offline sebba

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Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« Reply #235 on: March 24, 2011, 03:00:46 PM »
hello majorstrain, and thank you for your fast reply.

I 'm starting to understand now, I'll try to learn more about modbus. Thanks
Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« Reply #236 on: March 25, 2011, 12:08:18 AM »
Hi Sebba,
I should have added that there is no harm in trying the plugin. It may just work.
Good luck.

Offline sebba

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Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« Reply #237 on: March 25, 2011, 02:50:27 AM »
that I supposed, too, but I think should be "rewrite" to read the corresponding Fuling's parameters for PD001 and PD002 which are F0.01 and F0.03.
I think this could be the reason for this plugin not working with Fuling inverter. Maybe a future release will work with Fulings, too
Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« Reply #238 on: April 01, 2011, 05:02:37 AM »
Looking good Phil

I'll be very interested in how you go with the braking resistor if you end up doing it.

Sebba, Phil is correct in saying the plugin was written specifically for the Huanyang (by Matty Zee) as it has its own non compliant (to true Modbus) way of communicating and this is the work around.

One thing that you may come across with the plugin is that if it looses comms with the VFD for a significcant time (I believe it makes 3 attempts) it will issue an estop. On my setup I have had this happen after running a lengthy bit of code (Lithophane) and it has been unable to get the VFD to recognise a stop code. In this case the spindle is still running and the machine is in estop. The only way to re-establish comms is to exit Mach and re enter however I would strongly suggest you configure the VFD to still accept the stop button on the keypad so you can manually stop the VFD if this occurs.

Its a rare occurance on my setup but has happened so word to the wise. I might try and look into the code to see if the comms error recovery can be imprioved but its not something I'm working on or have expertise in so no promises that it will happen.

On re starting mach manualy issue a M5 first otherwise it will not do a M3 or M4 (thinks its still running even though it is in fact stopped)

Aside from these minor incovieniances the plugin has worrk very well for me.


Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« Reply #239 on: April 04, 2011, 11:31:37 AM »
Hi Sebba,
Sorry I didn't get back to you, I've been a bit busy and sick at the same time.
You might want to check out this thread that I came across tonight.
It deals with controlling a VFD through Modbus and Brains. I thinks it will be what you are looking for.

The braking does work but not as I expected it to.
I have a Danfoss VFD on my Bridgeport and with the brake resistor enabled it improves the deceleration considerably from the moment it starts slowing down.

With the brake resistor enabled on the Huanyang and the deceleration time set to the minimum 0.1sec (calculated from 50Hz I think) the slow down rate is not a whole lot different to NOT having it enabled.
The resistor is not used to dump energy until the bus voltage exceeds the max of about 375VDC (don't quote me on that but it's close) which is in the last 10% or so of wind down.
The deceleration time from 24000 rpm (400hz) with a 6mm end mill in the collet is around 5 seconds. Nothing like the setting of 0.8 seconds that the setting implies.  ::)

So with the deceleration set to 0.1sec and the resistor NOT plugged in, the VFD lets go of the spindle (coast stop) when the bus voltage gets too high in that last 10%.
With the resistor plugged in you do get an increased deceleration over normal but only in that last 10% and only till the bus voltage drops below the maximum again.

In summary,
I think that my 2.2kw high speed spindle does not have enough inertia to make any use of the breaking function with an external resistor attached.
You can reduce the deceleration time and get some improvement of deceleration without a resistor. If you drop it too much and the bus voltage goes too high the VFD will just disconnect from the spindle until the bus voltage drops again. (as it should)

If I used the Huanyang on the Bridgeport with it's increased inertia it may work as expected, but that is 380V 3 phase and the Huanyang is only 240V rated.
