Machsupport Forum
Mach Discussion => General Mach Discussion => Topic started by: Fountaine on May 19, 2013, 02:28:49 PM
I am making my G codes with BobCAD 24. Up until now everything has been working OK. I think, I have not paid much attention to this issue.
I have been making tests to fine tune my cuts. To start I have been changing my feed. I did this by re-posting a code, I use BobCAD 24. Again, I re-post, not editing a used code.
What I noticed is on the Mach 3 screen the feed speed does not change with the new G code. I can not swear it ever did.
I can change the feed using the Mach screen, but it does not necessarily go to what I want.
Anybody have my answer?
I do have another issue and have a separate post. Is is dealing with my ARC OK.
Looking for answers and help.
Thanks, Bob
You would have to post the code and your xml.
Thanks for the reply. I am not sure what you mean on post the code and my xml.
For me to try and find out the problem I really need to try and understand it. The easiest way for me to do so is look at the way you have Mach set up (your xml) and also look at the GCode you are using.
The xml holds all your config and you will find it in the Mach3 folder, it will have the same name as your profile and use a .xml file extension.
Hood: I did not know exactly what xml file you wanted so I copied them all for you. You will see the tests I was doing.
The files are Moose ### ###. The first ###s are the feed and the second is the THC ###s
When I start Mach 3 the screen opens with the FRO at 6, when I start a design it does not change to the ##s entered in the feed. Should it? It does change if I change the feed +/-. It does not change to where I have it set yet the speed does change.
Is this nothing to worry about or should this be making the entry change?
Thanks for your help.
Here is the second file, it would only attach 1 at a time.
Would really need to know which xml you are using, maybe it is shown in the Mach when you open it, in Mill the rofile name is shown lower right, possibly the same in Plasma?
If not then you can get the info from the shortcut you are using to open your plasma, if you right click it and look at properties then target you will see the name of the profile in there.
Thanks, it says"c:\Mach3\Mach3.exe. I have several issues that I am experiencing. I will go to the 2nd after this one.
I do thank you for your help, you have been there for me in the past also.
Ok it sounds like you may be using the loader to then choose the profile to open as the exe is Mach itself. If however you are using a specific shortcut then maybe you are not seeing the end of the target text, if you click in it then use the left arrow on your keyboard it will scroll along to the end and you will then see the name of the profile.
It should look something like this (see screenshot) the important info is the bit after the /p
It is a loader. I checked the target and what I sent was complete. I went to the Mach 3 program and sent a shortcut to the desktop. It also showed a loader with the same target.
I also looked at the program itself and it had a target that was different....It was c: then a lot of microsoft\program\......with \mach3.exe at the end.
Sorry I do not know how to get you what you want. What's next?
Ok if you are using the loader you will be selecting a name in the list, what is the name?
MY Mach 3 - Plasma.
Ok will have a look later on, probably will have to be this evening but we will see.
Ok just had a quick look in the zip and dont see one called MY Mach 3 - Plasma.
Can you have a look and see if its in the Mach folder and attach it.
That is one I made. Try THC 301d
Ok will look tonight.
Ok the feed is changing fine in that xml, although I changed to the standard screenset as I dont have the screenset you have. The feedrate in Mach defaults to 6 at startup but any call from code should change it to what is called. You can easily test that out by going to MDI and typing F50 and then pressing enter, the feedrate DRO should now read 50. If its not then it could be the DRO on your screenset is not correct.
That makes me feel better, Thanks.
Are you ready for my next issue. I have 2 seats of the BobCad program. Computer #1 I have had no issues with setting a g-code. Please review the g-code I get from computer #2.
Both computers started with the design name. Now #2 starts with **** and places them all through the post. I have not tried to run this yet.
Normally I use computer #2 for design and code work.
Any thoughts?
I do have 1 problem additional........Yesterday I was running a design that was done on computer #2. I set the g-code on #1. The design consists of 2 animals and a tree on a fire pit. I have 4 separate sides. 3 of the 4 ran perfect. The 4th ran everything except 1 of the animals. I separated the animal and also re-posted as it was. The posting went fine until I I clicked on compute tool path. The tool path showed only the pierce. To get the thing done I had to go to computer #2, do the design up to the compute tool path, save to a thumb drive, go to computer #1 and post. Then it worked.
I have never had this happen before and it is only on this one animal.
Ring any bells with you?
Sorry dont know anything about BobCAD, never used it.
Well thanks for looking at my issues. I really do appreciate your help.
Thanks again,
Why not post on the thread that the BobCAD guy started, he may be able to advise.
Here it is,21342.0.html