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Author Topic: VB "Parameters" list......  (Read 14331 times)

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Offline poppabear

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VB "Parameters" list......
« on: March 31, 2009, 12:08:10 PM »
*******Last Edit 01April09, Art was Kind enough to fill in the ADirActive, now the document is complete!!!**********(no not an april fools joke)

Here is a word list for the GetParam( String ) and SetParam( String, Double Value ) in VB
"ZMachine" = Z Mach Positions (G53 Coordinates)
"XMachine" = X Mach Positions (G53 Coordinates)
"YMachine" = Y Mach Positions (G53 Coordinates)
"Encoder1" = X Encoder Position
"Encoder2" = Y Encoder Position
"Encoder3" = Z Encoder Position
"Encoder4" = A Encoder Position
"MPG1" = MPG1’s count
"MPG2" = MPG2’s count
"MPG3" = MPG3’s count
"XScale" = X Axis Scale
"YScale" = Y Axis Scale
"ZScale" = Z Axis Scale
"AScale" = A Axis Scale
"BScale" = B Axis Scale
"CScale" = C Axis Scale
"FeedRate" = Feedrate that is active
"Units" = 0 or 1 for mm or inch
"StepsPerAxisX" = X Steps per unit from the motor tuning page
"StepsPerAxisY" = Y Steps per unit from the motor tuning page
"StepsPerAxisZ" = Z Steps per unit from the motor tuning page
"StepsPerAxisA" = A Steps per unit from the motor tuning page
"StepsPerAxisB" = B Steps per unit from the motor tuning page
"StepsPerAxisC" = C Steps per unit from the motor tuning page
"VelocitiesX" = X MaxVel from motor tuning page (SetParam as units/second. Mach will multiply X60 for display in motor tuning as units/minute.)
"VelocitiesY"= Y MaxVel from motor tuning page (SetParam as units/second. Mach will multiply X60 for display in motor tuning as units/minute.)
"VelocitiesZ" = Z MaxVel from motor tuning page (SetParam as units/second. Mach will multiply X60 for display in motor tuning as units/minute.)
"VelocitiesA" = A MaxVel from motor tuning page
"VelocitiesB" = B MaxVel from motor tuning page
"VelocitiesC" = C MaxVel from motor tuning page
"AccelerationX" = X Max Accel from motor tuning page
"AccelerationY" = Y Max Accel from motor tuning page
"AccelerationZ" = Z Max Accel from motor tuning page
"AccelerationA" = A Max Accel from motor tuning page
"AccelerationB" = B Max Accel from motor tuning page
"AccelerationC" = C Max Accel from motor tuning page
"SpindleSpeed" = Active Spindle speed
"ZInhibitOn" = 1/0 for Z inhibit on/ off
"ZInhibitDepth" = Max depth of Zinhibit
"SafeZ" = Safe Z height
"XDRO" = X Position
"YDRO" = Y Position;
"ZDRO" = Z Position;
"ADRO" = A Position;
"BDRO" = B Position;
"CDRO" = C Position;
"XRefPer" = X % speed for homing
"YRefPer" = Y % speed for homing
"ZRefPer" = Z % speed for homing
"ARefPer" = A % speed for homing
"BRefPer" = B % speed for homing
"CRefPer" = C % speed for homing
“Repeats” = Number of repeats
“Boundry” = adjust tool path display machine boundries
“ToolPathLock” =  (value of 1 locks the tool window from mouse, 0 allows adjustment?)
“PrepMove” = (if you set this value to 0 then you will NOT get the Prepmove dialog for restarting the file, set to 1 you do get the prepmove dialog.)
“AutoToolChange” = (value of 1 enables an ATC, 0 disables  ATC)
“ADirActive” = (config/homing/NEG setting is this setting, setting it to 1, will check the box to true, 0 will make it false. So if it reverses or not depends on the normal setting of NEG in the config/homing)
SetParam( "RPMOverRide" , 1 ) allows external override of dro 39
Then you can use a brain to terminate to DRO #39..
To Set and Get Tool Table Parameters:
SetToolParam(SHORT toolnum, SHORT param, DOUBLE data)
param { 1 = tool diamter, 2 = ZOffset, 3 = xwear, 3 = zwear )

GetToolParam(SHORT toolnum, SHORT param)
param { 1 = tool diamter, 2 = ZOffset, 3 = xwear, 3 = zwear )
GetToolDesc()  (get the tool description).

'enjoy scott

« Last Edit: April 01, 2009, 10:29:27 AM by poppabear »
fun times