Thanks for your answer.
I am going to play with the MPG configuration you mentioned. It seems a good idea.
My MPG's do 25 clicks or counts per revolution.
Have read everything about lazyturn. As soon as I am more self-confident with my lathe, I will use this program (and buy it). But for this moment, using the MPG's and connecting the wizards together is more than enough.
Another subject:
When I bought this lathe (with an old Atari computer and a totally different, very simple cnc program) all my friend advised my not to buy it. "You will never need to do tapers, arcs or fillets" they said, "and you will never be able to do some proper turning on such a device,,,much,, much to complicated". Now they ask me to do some work they can't do on their own machines (like a tooladapter with tapered backend).
gr jaja