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Author Topic: router table refirb, y axis gaining steos  (Read 4426 times)

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router table refirb, y axis gaining steos
« on: August 15, 2009, 10:34:55 PM »
I have recently acquired an older Gerber router table and have replaced all the steppers and electronics. Running mach 3 through a CandCnc BOB using their screen set. Problem I'm having is that Y axis is gaining steps. Example:While running an engraving text file the line of text has perfect proportion but instead of running straight and parallel it veers up to the right by 5 degrees or so. I have gone through the mechanical several times and can comfortably eliminate any slop, backlash etc. Motors are tuned according to common practice in Mach. I have been doing this CNC mach exorcise for about 4 years and thought I had most of it under stood, but this one is kicking my but. Any Ideas? Dan in New Mexico

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Re: router table refirb, y axis gaining steos
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2009, 01:46:43 AM »
Hi, Dan

Make sure your Dir & Step Low Active's are all set the same ether Checked  or X'ed in Motor Outputs, If a axis runs backwards Use Reversed in Home & Limit's to correct this if necessary.

Some axis controls are sensitive to this and cause bizarre result's.
