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Author Topic: Upgrade Failed  (Read 12476 times)

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Re: Upgrade Failed
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2009, 03:52:05 PM »
Just to update:
The system worked great all day.
made many parts on the lathe... Thanks to the older version R2.63

Just to note that while I had the latest version on
I did change the debounce value to 1 while I was trying to get it to work.
It made no difference.
And the "Start from here" command did not work as well
It would just rewind the program to the beginning.
And it took several tries to get it to find the printer port....

Re: Upgrade Failed
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2009, 12:09:13 AM »
You might have to uninstall the old driver before re-installing the new driver that comes with the later versions. There were major changes to it. This has to be done in the device manager since Windows sees it as a piece of hardware instead of software. The driver changed sometime after 2.42 and I remember a warning about having to do the uniinstall of the old one before installing the new one, but I wasn't able to find the thread where this was discussed. Someone over on the other forum asked the same question but never got a reply.
Re: Upgrade Failed
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2009, 02:52:30 AM »
Many thanks for all the assistance, I have got the machine running again. To sumarise: a new computer was used, blank hard drive, new XP Pro, Ver 3.04 was loaded with driver, NO JOY!! The only thing that has remained common was the XML file there definitely appear to be glitches in Ver 3.04 E.G. changing between G20 and G21 does not change the units on the screen but the units have in fact changed. I deleted Ver 3.04 and removed all of the directory contents this allowed me to put back Ver 1.84 which runs fine.
I am busy putting together a large gantry router, guess which version Mach I will be using.


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Re: Upgrade Failed
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2009, 03:28:29 AM »
There is a setting, in general config I think, that allows you to choose whether the DROs display in native or coded units.

Offline RICH

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Re: Upgrade Failed
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2009, 08:47:30 AM »
If i was going from a realy old version of Mach here is what i would do:
1.Do a windows Search for Mach.sys and exe and delete all of them
2.Use windows device manager and delete the Mach3 Driver
3.Delete the Mach3 directory
4.Empty the Recycle bin
5.Repeat #1 just to make sure all the files are gone
6.Now reinstall Mach3
7.Run the driver test
8. Check that the driver is installedvia the device manager
9. Reboot the computer
10. Create / make new profiles. Review the configuration and change whatever you need to. I am sure there are a number of things that have changed since 2.63.

I assume you don't have other versions installed in another directory.

Re: Upgrade Failed
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2009, 03:10:44 PM »
It seems that I was prematurely offering advice. I had recently updated to 3.042.029 from 2.42 and ran into and solved the issues that I mentioned above which I thought were the other user's problems. Just today I decided to take the plunge to .032 and I am seeing similar problems myself. I am using a Wabeco lathe that uses the Campbell board and automatic spindle control which has never had an issue in the past. When I updated to .032 my spindle speed dro shows -602 rpm (minus rpm) when commanded to turn at 1000 rpm. A tach shows the spindle is really turning at 1000 rpm. The index pulse is being seen and I'm running spindle feedback and averaging. The driver test is nearly perfect on a 3 GHz machine. Index debounce is at 2. I've gone back and forth between .029 and .032 three times now and always everything is fine with .029 and the problem is always there with .032. Actually, I have to ask the question - has anybody successfully installed and run .032 with MachTurn under automatic spindle speed control? There seems to be a number a reports of problems. - Terry

Offline RICH

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Re: Upgrade Failed
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2009, 03:34:01 PM »
Sorry but can't help you out with the auto sipndle control since mine is all manual.
Do you have the Relay Control unchecked?
What does the Turn Diagnostics show?
I suggest that you post your question in the Problems Threading on the Lathe thread
and address the question to ART and Brian.
Re: Upgrade Failed
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2009, 03:53:17 PM »
     I don't have the "disable spindle relays" checked. Under "motor control" the "use spindle motor output" and "Step/Dir Motor" boxes are checked. I read the applicable section in your write-up but I still didn't understand if I needed to do something different here than I was doing in .029 which does work. I never downloaded the plugin for the Turn diagnostics and so I didn't try it. I've gone back to .029, but I will post in the lathe threading problems section. - Thanks - Terry

Offline RICH

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Re: Upgrade Failed
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2009, 05:29:39 PM »
The Turn Diagnostics is loaded with .032 all you need to do is enable the plugin in config. You won't find anything in the writeup on motor control because i don't use it and don't remember anybody posting about it "after" the threading changes. So maybe there are additional bugs that Art and Brian should be made aware of.  Like you asked,
Is anyone else having any problems with motor control in .032?

I am just like many others and don't upgrade to another version if the current version works for me and there is nothing to be gained. But.....unless a number of users, with different setups, try an upgrade, then a bug can creep in
 and go undetected. Can be frustrating, but what can i say....