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Author Topic: Smooth Stepper Saga - Hope It Helps Someone  (Read 9663 times)

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Smooth Stepper Saga - Hope It Helps Someone
« on: September 18, 2012, 06:35:46 AM »
My USB SmoothStep has been running successfully for over two years from a laptop, but for various reasons I decided to buy a new desktop.  For info my machine is a homebuilt version of Joe's CNC...with a controller using a Gecko 540.  Should have been simple to switch, right?  It took me about twelve hours to figure it out, or more accurately to luck out into the solution.   After reading my brains out here and on the Warp9 forum and some other places, here was my final list of actions (ps - this forum had the best information):

1. Changed out USB cable for more robust one with ferrite choke cores on it.
2. Deleted old Mach 3 install
3. Deleted old Smooth Stepper installs including driver
4. Deleted auto shutoffs in Power Management of Win 7
5. Deleted auto USB power shutoff in Device Manager
6. Deleted internet and network connections.
7. Deleted Norton.
8. Turned off screen savers and updaters.
9. Changed ground wire on Smooth Stepper from the electronic ground to a PC chassis ground.

Before I did #9, the PC only saw the SmoothStepper erratically, and many strange messages popped up.  I have read, but do not understand that laptops have a "floating ground", and perhaps that is why my old setup worked.  So this solution may not be quite to the standards of the electronic gurus, but I think that was the step that fixed the situation.   Anyway, I am glad it is done, and perhaps someone can benefit.


Offline budman68

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Re: Smooth Stepper Saga - Hope It Helps Someone
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2012, 05:12:09 AM »
Thanks, Zeeway, I'm absolutely sure this will help someone here so I appreciate you sharing this with us.

Welcome to the forum-  ;)
Just because I'm a Global Moderator, don't assume that I know anything !

Dave->    ;)

Offline Glenn

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Re: Smooth Stepper Saga - Hope It Helps Someone
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2012, 06:47:27 PM »
  I haven't switched to smooth stepper yet, but I am compiling important set-up instructions
from guys like you who share their discoveries, wow, this is going to save me some headaches
down the line!
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