Hey guys,
Well I posted in another thread that now my modbus spindle is operational. I am very pleased. However I just tried to do a warmup of the machine using the very cool wizard I got from here. It has been invaluable to me to allow me to not only warmup my machine but also to troubleshoot some issues I was having. Anyways, My question is now that I have spindle control I tried to setup the warmup wizard to USE the spindle warmup features. I set my max and min spindle speeds, my time, my speed interval in the settings. Then I checked use spindle, and vary spindle speed I think it was and then posted the code. Problem is that when i tried to run the program the machine comes from home position, to the start position I indicated in the settings, then the spindle starts and goes to the low speed setting. Then the axes move to their first max position and the spindle speeds to it's highest position. For some odd reason the program seems to just stop there. It does not ask me for a cycle start prompting or anything it just stops. Then If I hit cycle start it will cycle to the next position of the axes and then go to the next spindle speed setting and it STOPS again.. I am sure it is probably some stupid setting I have wrong somewhere but if anyone here has an idea what it could be I would really appreciate it. Having the ability to warmup the spindle as well as the machine would be great. Also I am curious as to why even tho it has the settings in the wizard for the steps of spindle speed( I used 1000) the spindle simply goes from the max to the min over and over in the G-code. Is that what it is supposed to do? I was kinda hoping it would vary the speed in intervals of 1000 from my min to max and back down as it cycles thru the movements. Thanks in advance for any information...peace