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Author Topic: Announcement: MachStdMill Turn and Mill-Turn  (Read 2769 times)

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Announcement: MachStdMill Turn and Mill-Turn
« on: April 12, 2012, 02:46:34 PM »
Announcement: MachStdMill Turn and Mill-Turn

Have you ever wanted some CNC lathe parts, but don’t have a CNC lathe? Yet you do have a CNC mill?

Mach mill owners outnumber lathe owners, making this a common situation.  Tilt your head sideways and squint a tad while looking at your vertical mill and you’ll see a lathe (hanging by the spindle from the ceiling).  ;-)   

While the concept is not unique, the details of dealing with the extra axes stop most folks from using their mill as a lathe. The MSM Turn support facilities were designed with Mill-Turn operations as the core goal. We figured that if we did the design well, the usual 2 axis lathe support would be a sub set of the Mill-Turn design….

I want to let folks know that after a successful Alpha test program, the new MSM Turn and Mill-Turn features sets are now available for general beta use.

The new turn screens utilize the logical work flow to that has proven popular with the MSM Mill software. The Turn screens are now included in the MSM Personal Edition software and they support a full set of Mach Lathe abilities.

The MSM Mill-Turn support allows you to run Lathe g-code on your mill.
The basic design approach was to
1)   make it easy to set up Lathe tooling (including offsets in X,Z and Y) on a mill, and
2)   handle the Mill unique aspects of turning operations during the tool change sequence.
This approach enables one to run unmodified lathe g-code on the mill: No lathe g-code modifications are necessary to do turning on the mill.   The Mill-Turn screens provide the UI for this feature set.

The MSM probing features have also been extended to operate within Mach’s lathe mode, and new probing Ops can be utilized to quickly setup lathe tooling. MSM Mill-Turn features are included in the MSM Professional Edition software.

MSM Turn and Mill-Turn include screens for both “10x7 and “12x10” resolution (or larger) monitors.

If you are not currently an MSM user, you can try out both Turn and Mill-Turn without cost – as both feature sets are fully functional on MSM trial installations.

More information is available on the CVI web site.

There are videos of the screens in action at

Complete user documentation and the software is available from the MSM beta download page:

You can also visit the MSM user support forum here:

Calypso Ventures, Inc.

Author of the MachStdMill Extensions for Mach3
Re: Announcement: MachStdMill Turn and Mill-Turn
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2012, 12:50:47 AM »
I was one of the alpha testers and I would like to recommend you try this, it makes using the lathe a much better experience.