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Author Topic: home and limitswitch problem...  (Read 2657 times)

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home and limitswitch problem...
« on: May 09, 2012, 05:12:43 PM »
I don't know it anymore....

on every axis i have 2 limit swiths on 1 input....

and in mach3 I have home, ++ and -- on the same input.... so I use 1 limitswitch also for homing....
and this always works alright!!!

but now I change something on my machine, en I connected a longer kabel on the stepper for the z-axis.... (thats al i did...)

but now homing don't work not anymore?  if I home my machine, first start the z-axis, goes up, and if the limitswitch goes on, then I get a stop on the limitswitch... ...

before the z axis go down a bit, so the limitswitch was free, and the the y-axis start homing....

what is wrong now? Why go de z-as not a little down anymore?

(and if I shut off home by the z-axis, the y-axis and x-axis don't also not working anymore, and also keep staying in the limit switch. And I not change anything on the x and y axis???)

please help... what is wrong!

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Re: home and limitswitch problem...
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2012, 08:12:26 PM »
Sounds like your z limit switch may be picking up a little bit of noise now.  Have you tried to add any debounce in general config.?

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