I ran across the Code while working on something else . Hope it helps. You can also customize it to only show certain file types.
'Gcode Selection Box
Sub GcodeSelect
Dim MyList()
Begin Dialog GcodeFileDlg 60, 60, 190, 220, "Gcode file selection", .DlgFunc
ListBox 10, 10, 150, 180, MyList(), .List1, 2
CancelButton 42, 198, 40, 12
End Dialog
Dim frame As GcodeFileDlg
' Show the GcodeFile dialog
Dialog frame
End Sub
Function DlgFunc( controlID As String, action As Integer, suppValue As Integer)
DlgFunc = 1 ' Keep dialog active
Select Case action
Case 1 ' Initialize
temp = Dir( "c:\Mach3\Gcode\*.*" )
count = 0
While temp <> ""
count = count + 1
temp = Dir
Dim x() As String
ReDim x(count)
x(0) = Dir( "c:\Mach3\Gcode\*.*" )
For i = 1 To count
x(i) = Dir
Next i
DlgListBoxArray "List1", x()
Case 2 ' select
Fname = (DlgText("List1"))
LoadFIle("c:\Mach3\Gcode\" &DlgText("List1"))
End Select
End Function