Hi all
I did this piece of code that is attached to the "Ref All Home" button. I have a tangential knife on the rotary (A) axis that has to be locked by a pin and then zeroed.
This code does not work on first startup of Mach. If I traversed the a axis once, then it will work. It seems to sit and wait for the first turn to complete but it does not turn at all. I think it hase something to do with feed rates.
Can someone help please?
DoButton( 24 )
DoButton( 23 )
DoButton( 22 )
While ismoving()
Code "G1 A0 F2000"
While ismoving()
ActivateSignal(Output2) 'set the pin
Code "G1 A-180 F2000" ' turn the knife anti-clockwise for a half turn
While ismoving()
DoButton(11) ' clear the DRO
Code "G1 A-180 F2000" 'turn the knife again to make sure of one full turn and lock-up
While ismoving()
DoButton( 11 ) ' do the mach referencing
SetDro(3,270) ' to head the knife in th eright direction
DeActivateSignal(Output2) ' unlock the pin
Code "G0 A0"
Code "G0 X-12"
Code "G0 Y102"
While ismoving()
DoButton( 8 )
DoButton( 9 )