I know many people ask these types of questions and are referred to videos and search links. But I've done my research and I'm still stuck.
Heres the issue. The limit switch works fine. I can see it in the diagnostics windows. The Z home switch works just fine. When I hit ref all , and the machine encounters the y axis switch, it hits the limit and stops instead of bouncing off and setting the home position. Sometimes it will limit e-stop the system, sometimes it will go in the reverse direction after hitting the switch and keep going (ignoring all other switches and keeps going forever but slowly). This is extremely frustrating.
I am using the C10 breakout board with a smooth stepper running latest version of mach3. I've set the debound to 8000 and doubling after every try all the way up to 640000. The kernel is set for 100khz.
What the heck is going on? i'm extremely frustrated. what else can i try? By the way the system is using an inductive switch found at cnc4pc and is set for active low.