I have a random problem with my CNC running Mach3 from g-code generated from Cut2D. I can't recall having this problem when running a single part, but when running for multiple identical pieces, the machine goes crazy from time to time. It might cut 3 of 10 pieces perfectly, but when moving to the next might not go to safe z and thus cut a path through a good piece toward the next piece starting point. Other times it may go to the next piece starting point and dive to the mechanical z limit (down). One other random action has been at the end of a run, and returning to zero it tries to go to a point outside of the machine. In this instance I noted that the x and y readouts were completely out of whack so that 0,0 was way outside of the machine boundaries. I can reload the same g-code and it will run past the point where it previously went crazy, so it does appear to be random, and not a problem in the g-code. The PC running Mach3 is dedicated - not connected to the internet, and not running any other programs other than Cut2D (just open - I don't design anything while Mach3 is running), and I don't use the mouse or touch the keyboard. I finally got ticked off today after ruining a couple hundred $ in parts and material, so I really need any help anyone here can offer. The one thing that dawned on me a while ago is that it might be a grounding problem. Without going back to my shop and checking, I'm pretty sure there is no common ground between the gecko controller, router power, controller power supply, and the computer. I'll check that in the morning, but if anyone has other suggestions I'll appreciate any help.
If I need to add a tag line here it's "When the winds of change blow build a windmill not a windbreak"