First of all, I have to say this is the most useful board I've ever participated in. Thanks to those of you who helped me accelerate my Mach 3 bring-up.
I am now going to begin programming the parallel port, but first I'd like to get some advice on drivers.
I inherited this home brew CNC mill from a relative. He used it, but somewhere along the line disposed of the computer that drove it. I'm starting from more or less zero, but now have the computer/mach 3 working.
The controller box has Rutex driver boards. I've found out that they are no longer supported due to flakiness of the vendor.
In your opinion, should I abandon these boards in favor of Gecko or something more supportable, or should I invest the time seeing if these Rutex boards are going to be OK and just use them if so.
If I move to a different driver board, what's the fav out there and why? I know that the system is PWM.
I'm using an older Campbell Designs breakout board.
This is all new to me, but I'm learning, thanks to your help.