hey guys. Sorry for taking so long to reply. I've been under the weather forever and hadn't been down in the basement for a while.
Hood: I gave the a whirl and things are moving better I just feel like it could be a whole heck of a lot better
BR549 please see below:
Is X the long axis or short axis on your machine ? X is the long
Are you using metric or imperial values for setup ? Metric
Do you have the specs on the motor you are using as to power requirements Volt, Amps ? I have no idea. i've googled the heck out of this motor and couldn't find anything. I'm sure this is very important to solving this for me.
Do you have the Drives set to the proper AMPS for the motor ?? Unknow. How do I check for this?
Do yo have a picture of your machine ? see below
linear rail system.