Also forgot to say there are a few ways to actually get the screenshots. Windows has its default way, you press the Prt Scr button and a copy of your complete screen will be saved to the clipboard. You can then open a graphics package or word or whatever and paste it in there. You can also refine this slightly by pressing Alt at the same time as Prt Scr and it will only capture the active window that you have open.
Best way of all is to grab yourself a copy of one of the many screen capture programs. The one I use is ScreenHunter and the free version works just fine. This way is much better than the default windows way as it will save the image directly as a JPG, or BMP or whatever you have chosen and you dont have to paste anything. You can also configure screenhunter to work in different ways, I have it set up with a hotkey and also prefer to use the option that lets you choose what area to capyure.