Well, I think you Tweakie.cnc for your kind words. I found the directions, for me, a little intimidating because some of the terminology and methods were new to me. So, I started reading and scanning the posts under the Pokeys post section, and over time, I saw posts that coincided with my problems and finally put together what I was doing wrong. I must say, for a new guy like me, a better job could have been done in illustrating the two methods of installing the PoPendant. They could have simply said somewhere, in the documents, that there are two ways of installing PoPendant, one with the Pulse engine and one with just installing the Popendant configuration file. Nowhere did I find that statement. The only statement about the Pulse engine was, "If you are to use the Pulse engine". That led me to deduce that there must be two ways of getting the PoPendant to work, so at the end of this, it turned out to be very simple, intalling the configuration file for the PoPendant found in the downloads section for the Popendant, and when I did that, there were all of the settings preconfigured and then everythng worked. the fractional feed knob, the axis knob, the momentary switch, and of course, the big knob to control the movement, but not the E- stop. So, that is where I am right now, but it is still not clear to me, when they say, quote, "To enable Pulse engine, the emergency switch input must be connected between pin 52 and ground. The switch must be NC type." Now there is a wire attached to pin 52 coming from the PoPendant, and a wire going to ground, also from the PoPendant, but do they mean to take a wire from pin 52 and run it to ground? It is still not clear to me, sorry. I am not using the pulse engine, so does that mean that I don't have to run pin 52 to ground? Is there something in the configuration file that I have to change?, like go high or go low? If someone could help, let me know. Using 57U, the K48-- Pokeys, and the PoPendant. It might be that, letting go of the button disables the movement, and I think that is the case. Another thing, I amazed at the lack of help that I have gotten from my posts, almost zero. Why is that? I took a shower and everything. Oh well, Bob.