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Author Topic: Sindle stop and coolant stop when program pause  (Read 4177 times)

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Offline lew

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Sindle stop and coolant stop when program pause
« on: May 09, 2007, 08:14:46 PM »
Hi All:
I am wondering if there's a good way to have the spindle and mist coolant stop when I press the space bar to pause the machine?

Offline fdos

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Re: Sindle stop and coolant stop when program pause
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2007, 04:47:07 AM »
It would not be normal to have them stop in a feed hold situtation. unless you manually stopped them.

Most controls have a manual override for both ie Coolant On OFF Auto.  Spindles would normally just have off and on but should not be able to be turned off with the machine in motion.


Re: Sindle stop and coolant stop when program pause
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2007, 08:00:40 AM »
You could add VB code to the feed hold button... That would do it!
Fixing problems one post at a time ;)


Offline fdos

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Re: Sindle stop and coolant stop when program pause
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2007, 09:00:58 AM »

But then would the outputs be re-enabled on the subsequent cycle start?   Never had need to try it so don't know.

Could be a recipe for disaster it they were not ;)



Re: Sindle stop and coolant stop when program pause
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2007, 01:28:20 PM »
I think it could be put in the macro pump, if you made a user LED to switch on when the Hold was active and off when not. In the macro pump  you could then switch the coolant  on or off depending on the state of the LED. Then again I know nothing about VB so I am probably talking bull

Offline lew

  •  74 74
Re: Sindle stop and coolant stop when program pause
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2007, 08:00:51 PM »
Thanks for the replies. I have been used to another system that shut the coolant and spindle off when you did a feed hold. It's been my experience that when the feed hold is initiated, something is not right. I wind up doing a few checks to see if the reason I pushed the feed hold is valid. Then, if it's not too far from the beginning, I'll just put the macine back at zero and restart. Otherwise, I restart the program from current position and coolant and spindle are restarted also. My old system worked pretty well and I've become "programmed" to the way it runs. so, that's the reason for the question.
I've only recently watched the scripting video and I'm just now starting to see what I can do with VB. Lot to know. Little time to learn.