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Author Topic: Fanuc Pulse Coder  (Read 23935 times)

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Fanuc Pulse Coder
« on: July 06, 2017, 11:19:32 AM »
on my TongIL retrofit Project, i am at the spindle now.
the spindle has a pulse code A20B-9000-0380.

on the web i found two different types.

i have the the one with the following signals:

0V -> GND
5V -> Power supply

VA/   the Sinus wave

VB/  the Cosinus wave

so far so clear and i can measure the signals with the scope

then we have a

VZ witch should be the Zero pulse

the is no VZ/.

i have measured VZ to GND allways 2,5V
i have measured VZ to 5v allways -2,5V

i was never able to see a pulse on the scope.

maybe one of you has got any further ideas.

Regards Thomas

anything is possible, just try to do it.
if you find some mistakes, in my bad bavarian english,they are yours.