Hi everyone, is been a long time between visits to this forum, but I've finally realised a need for probing on my cnc router.
I am using an Ethernet smooth stepper with the latest plugin for motion control.
To keep things simple and avoid complications I am initially using the standard Mach3 router screen set.
I have the tool on the router connected to signal gnd and pin 16 on parallel port2 connected to a piece of circuit board material. The input for the probe is configured in Mach3 to match these physical connections.
When I jog the Z axis tool down, upon touching the for surface of the board, it always lights the probe led in the mach3 diagnostics screen.
My probing results are inconsistent however, using G31 Z, for example, sometimes Z motion will stop when the probe touches the surface of the board (as expected) other times, despite the led in diagnostics coming on to show the input for probing as active, the Z axis to will continue to bury itself in the circuit board until I hit stop, or the Z axis motor stalls.
Other than this new issue, all of the inputs and outputs work well on what has been a workhorse router.