Hi Kevbaby,
Tweakie is absolutely right, that Chinese controller is junk, throw it away.
I to use an Ethernet SmoothStepper (ESS) by Wapr9, highly recommended. That is not to say others like the UC300 or 57CNC are bad,
because they are in fact very good also.
Your closest supplier of an ESS is Homann Designs in Melbourne. I can also recommend his bi-directional breakout boards MB-02.
Note that these boards don't have relays, PWM to analogue nor opto-isolated inputs. If you want any or all of those you will have
to get a more sophisticated breakout board at greater cost. I've been using two of Peter Hommans boards for five years. As much
as it pains me to say so....'for an Aussie he's a bloody clever bloke!'
Where abouts in NZ? I'm live in Akaroa but work in Christchurch.