Hi everyone,
I have been using Mach3 for a while now and on a few different projects, but I never managed to get past the following issue:
I'm turning on and off some outputs while moving along one axis (say X), which happens to be a gantry (2 motors slaved through Mach3). The outputs switch as intended, but the motion shows a clear "hick-up" every time, often leading to the two motors going out of sync and ending in the gantry getting stuck.
As the problem cannot be mechanic (everything runs smooth at much higher speeds when outputs are out of the equation), my assumption is that the main cause might be some power spikes occurring during the M10/M11 commands.
Did anyone encounter similar issues? And, more in general, do you think that adding properly dimensioned capacitors could help smoothing out the motion?
A brief overview on the electronics:
Motion controller: UC300
Drivers: Leadshine EM705
Motor: Hybrid stepper motor, 4A 2Nm
PSU: 10A@48V
One more note: the outputs switched on are powered by a second PSU.
Any hints/suggestion would be appreciated!