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Author Topic: Topographical Laser Etching  (Read 2107 times)

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Offline JtheB

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Topographical Laser Etching
« on: April 18, 2023, 01:03:31 PM »
Goal:  To laser etch trails onto topographical maps carved from wood.

Issue: Gaining control over the Z-axis + PWM and/or traverse speed to regulate etching the physical gradients of the topography (inclines & declines).

Setup: AvidPRO CNC (stock control board), Smooth Stepper ESS,  Mach4, J-Tech 24W Laser

Software: V-Carve - Vectric released their Laser Module which includes a laser specific tool interface and some additional toolpath strategies for cutting, hatching, rastering, etc. It also includes a "Laser Picture" option which is the ability to overlay the 3D model with a bitmap image and translates it to Z-axis + PWM commands once run through various post processors (laser manufacturer pp's).

Disclaimer: J-Tech Photonics has my maximum respect. They're obviously on the leading edge and their customer support in top-notch.

However.... even with J-Tech's latest pp things don't work. The cnc will run though the toolpath without firing the laser or moving on the z-axis.

Apparently a customer of theirs got it working but it's yet to be reproduced.

1) I hope that customer happens to stumble across this forum.
2) Any insight into how to potentially overcome this barrier would be an earth-shattering step forward in pursuit of my goal.

You all rock regardless.

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: Topographical Laser Etching
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2023, 05:47:45 AM »
Hi J,

I think you are going to be stuck with this one. Laser engraving the Topographic contour lines would be easy for Mach4 but engraving something like a hiking trail where the Z height varies during the burn would be difficult.


Offline JtheB

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Re: Topographical Laser Etching
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2023, 03:33:20 PM »
Thanks Tweakie,
Yeah, seems like it's a new frontier for the maker market. Chatter abounds and I know some of the manufacturers are aiming at this target. Guess we'll see how long it takes to bridge the gaps on this one. There is certainly a demand.
In the meantime I've discovered that the J-Tech Laser will function well with the GRBL-run Shapeoko I've also got.
For the time being I'll see how far I can get with that setup.
If anyone find a cure you get a sweet prize.