Ok, so I revised my G code in 2 different ways based on the suggestions above.
A) In this fix, I programmed using absolute movements with the rotational rollover shut off. This required continuing angular measurements beyond 360>>>a355 a360 a365 a370 etc...
This is a good fix, but does require changes to the home switch of the a axis which i am unsure of...
B) In this fix, I programmed using incremental movements....this also fixed the problem, and i was able to leave the rotational rollover option enabled....As a result i will probably use this as my permanent fix as opposed to reconfiguring the homing limits..
Using option B, i came across another question...
I set my code up like this for movements
g91 g01 a5 x1 b1
g91 g01 a5 x1.3 b0.7
My question comes about from the idea of the modal g code
The way i understand it, g90 and g91 are saying whatever follows this code will be in either absolute or incremental units...
So g91 g01 will say "move at feed rate in incremental units by......"
Is this right?
Also, do i have to repeat the g91 g01 for every move?
I found when i did not include the g01 command, the movement was very jerky....
Still Learning.....
Danny A