Somebody needs to run this on their machine to believe me. If you can't duplicate this I will make a video and post it to prove this. I understand how CV works. I have two of my units and one other of my friend's units doing this and they use completely different hardware.
Basically if you try and 3d contour with exact stop the machine is going to sound jerky like a machine gun stopping at every little point along the way. In CV mode it runs smooth through the points cause it calculates the trajectory accel and decel based on the lookahead. Then we can control how continuous through a target radius. I get it. I've been using it and watched it get better since mach2. Then on one of my upgrades, I'm not sure which one its backwards. It's working backwards so when its off its on, when its on its off.
Maybe I have a bad install or there is some other cause of this, corrupt xml or something but I don't believe so. CV Feedrate is off, CV limit angle is on and set to 179, CV dist tolerance is on and set to anywhere between 1mm and 0.05mm depending on the scale and geometry of my part.
We'll see what Hood has to say in the morning. Thanks for your attention on this issue.