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Author Topic: How do I use VB to turn a LED on & off on the screen?  (Read 7973 times)

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Offline Tarak

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How do I use VB to turn a LED on & off on the screen?
« on: February 19, 2007, 05:53:45 AM »
I would like to run a small program, that will also turn on an LED
CODE "G90 G55 G21"
CODE "G00 Y100."
CODE "G01 Y110. F100"
CODE "G00 Y300."
CODE "M30"

What's the best way to achieve this?
Re: How do I use VB to turn a LED on & off on the screen?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2007, 12:59:37 PM »
Hi Darc,

first you should define a M-Macro like M100 for Led on and M101 for LED off.
Then can use the whole VB-Script language for your Macros..


SetUserLED (nnnn, 1)   ' Led on


SetUserLED (nnnn, 0)    ' Led off

or you can use both in one macro:


If GetUserLED (nnnn) then       ' UserLED on?
     SetUserLED (nnnn,0)          ' then turn it off
     SetUserLED (nnnn, 1)         ' ..or turn it on...
end if

Thats will toggle the status of your LED....

Copy this macro into your folder matching your profile.

Best regards,


Offline Tarak

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Re: How do I use VB to turn a LED on & off on the screen?
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2007, 07:00:09 PM »
Thanks Wolfram, on my screen set I have 15 buttons and an LED for each button/program, how do I set each LED to run for one individual program only?
Does that mean I need to have 15 different M codes?
Also do I just save each M code as follows: M100.m1s,  M101.m1s, M102.m1s, M103.m1s, M104.m1s, etc etc?
Sorry one more thing, with this code you wrote.

SetUserLED (nnnn, 1)   ' Led on
(How do I link this to a particular LED?)

Also on another topic, I've searched the forums and looked in Mach3 but I can't seem to work out how to get a DRO and a button that runs a program to interact.
I think I'm close, I want to have a DRO that you can put a measurement into and when you press a button it will use this measurement in the program, this is what I have.
Create a DRO, I assigned it to DIAMETER OF CURRENT TOOL (which I think is OEM code 105), should I select DIAMETER OF CURRENT TOOL from the drop down or should I enter the OEM code 105?

Create a button and assign VB code to it as follows:

Material = GetOEMDRO (105)
CODE "#1=Material"     ;In theory if 20 is entered into the DRO, Material should =20
CODE "G90 G55 G21 
CODE "G00 Y[#1*2]    ;Rapid to Y40
CODE "G01 Y#1 F100  ;Linear travel to Y20
CODE "G00 Y[#1*2]    ;Rapid back to Y40
CODE "M30"

What am I doing wrong?
« Last Edit: February 20, 2007, 09:25:10 PM by Darc »

Offline poppabear

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Re: How do I use VB to turn a LED on & off on the screen?
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2007, 07:53:12 PM »
Not sure what you are wanting, but, you could make yourself a Wizard that would post your code for you, by intering your info and moves into DROs.
fun times
Re: How do I use VB to turn a LED on & off on the screen?
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2009, 01:20:31 PM »
Thanks was useful :)