Can anyone set me straight on how to set up PWM spindle control in MACH3.
Ok - i have axis moving now with keyboard manual control and via MACH3 commands
, and Estop enabled. I think i have the charge pump working (not quite sure).
Next is the spindle control. Question is how to set it up properly in MACH3?
Machine config:
HW wise - it should be all setup correctly (well meaning it worked for previous MACH3 XML that i don't have access to):
-BOB is sound logic -PC2 Rev 3.
-PDMX-106 spindle controller - is PWM, and i suspect relay for direction control.
-PDMX instructs to use Output Pin 14 for direction and Pin 16 for PWM.
-I've read the MACH 3 manual and from that - am totally confused.
-I have enabled the spindle in "ports and pins/axis" with pin 14/16. and enabled PWM in the "ports and pins/spindle setup".[/left][/pre][/left][/center][/left]
Can anyone set me straight on how to set this up in MACH3.