Sorry everyone as I am sure this is around somewhere on the board.
I have purchased a license for Mach3, 6 months ago but not installed it yet (taken me months to build the router) however when I bought it I was told not to run Mach3 on Windows 7 or Vista and only install and run on XP.
I can't remember why but it seemed important.
I have just built the stepper drivers etc and built a PC to run / test the motors with, but am unsure what OS to install.
I have XP Pro 32bit as well as 5 Licenses of Windows 7 (3 Win7 Pro 32bit, 1 Win7 Pro 64bit and 1 Win7 Ultimate 32bit) and am only using 3 of the Win7 Licenses including the 64bit License, so I have 2 spare.
Are there any real issues with Windows 7 please?
Also have there been any updates for Mach3 in the last 6 months since I downloaded it?
Thanks in advance for any help and hope I haven't upset anyone with this question