a UC100 has one port as an output, so a maximum of 12 output pins and 5 input pins.
With six axes, each requiring 2 output signals (step and direction) and one output signal for a the PWM VFD control
that 13 outputs and therefore exceeds the capacity of the UC100.
You will need a motion controller that has more than one port, for instance an Ethernet SmoothStepper (51 IOs)
or a UC300 (85 IOs). You will need a second breakout board, I would suggest a C10 ($23.00) as it is bi-directional.
Thus you could have the second port arranged as pins 2-9 as inputs for 4 outputs and 13 inputs.
The total for both ports (port 1 the usual pins 2-9 as outputs, port 2 pins 2-9 as inputs) is 16 outputs and 18 inputs.
That would be enough outputs for six axes and several outputs for a VFD.