There are CAM programs that will generate the code required to do anything from simple to very complex. So there is no reason to sit down and
write thousands of lines to do something. That does not mean one should just use a "tool" to do the tedious work.
An understanding of gcode is required to run the cnc machines. CNC is not plug and play.
There are no short cuts to CNC and it can be a never ending learning curve depending on what one is doing or wants to do.
I would suggest that one skip all the BS and searching the internet for some magic button and just invest in Smid's CNC Programing Handbook
since it can be rather easy reading, well at first, and takes one from beginning to complex. It's 500+ pages will be an excellant reference for years to come.
While your reading that book, download and start reading the MACH Manuals.
You can try out all the different wizards, LazyCam, and other free programs which generate gcode.