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Author Topic: Testing code  (Read 2909 times)

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Testing code
« on: January 16, 2012, 03:08:51 PM »
Dear all
I have just installed a licenced Mach3 version R3.043.022 on my Win 7 64bit laptop to test my code rather than work in my cold garage on my main set up which is working perfectly well with Win xp controlling my lathe/mill.
When I installed it on my laptop I also started a new profile and made no other changes.
The following lines of code
N100 G01 X56.9773 Y114.7500
N110 G02 X39.9514 Y108.8788 I-10.6287 J3.2000
N120 G02 X39.9514 Y127.0212 I-13.6028 J9.0712
N130 G00 Z2.0000
works in Mach3mill profile but generates error “radius to end of arc fom radius to start Line 10” in my new profile.
As I have not changed any settings/configurations why is there an error in one and not the other on the same computer?

Offline Hood

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  • Carnoustie, Scotland
Re: Testing code
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2012, 03:31:05 PM »
Have a look in General Config and see if the IJ mode is correct. It could also be because the driver is not running (presuming you dont have an external controller) Machs PP driver does not work on 64bit versions and running in simulation mode may do weird things especially on a 64bit OS.
Re: Testing code
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2012, 03:45:05 PM »
Thanks Hood
Error now gone IJ mode was differant in the two profiles. Both now set at inc
Again many thanks for all your efforts in helping novices like me.

Offline Hood

  •  25,835 25,835
  • Carnoustie, Scotland
Re: Testing code
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2012, 04:13:19 PM »
Not a problem :)