Hi All
Recently I have built a cnc router and am having an issue with 'drifting' + in the X axis and - in the Y axis. If I calibrate and set the steps per inch with a dial indicator and tell it to move 1" it moves .990 and I enter that number and click OK. Mach3 tells me how may steps per unit it is using and I accept the value. When I then ask it to move +X 20" it moves +20.010". When it goes back to home the X DRO is 0.000 but the location is +X 0.010 if i repeat this the next move goes to +X 20.030" and so on. At the end of the test the DRO's are correct but the location of home is +X0.040. This same thing happens in the Y axis.
Long program run, bigger drift. Any ideas?
PC running windows XP
The computer is dedicated to Mach software only.
All axis use stepper motors.