I seriously hate to post this, as the whole subject seems to have been asked to death....
But I'm going to anyway!
* Followed Art's ummmm... somewhat questionable directions/instruction sheet.
* I've {bench} hooked everything up from the C6 to the BOB.
* Using a stand alone wall wart for power to the C6.
* I'm getting only about 17mv output from the C6 on X4.
* BOB pin 9 to C6 step
* BOB pin 14 to C6 dir
* ground to... well, ground!
Clicking spindle on will 'usually' turn on the C6 relay LED. Once. Then it will never turn off until power cycled, or I flip the active hi/low in pins setting.
Thing that looks really odd though, is the output from gnd to pin 9 on the BOB.
I looked at the output on my scope from one of the step pins (2) going to my X while I jogged, then compared it to the step output for comparison.
Pin 2 is +5 and pulsing, but pin 9 is about +1.3 more or less solid. Looked at Mach's diag page, and the row of "LEDs" doesn't have 9 or 14 on. Should it?
I'm ill right now (flu?) - I know there's something simple here. What have I overlooked?