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Author Topic: DRO shows movement, but machine does not move.  (Read 9457 times)

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DRO shows movement, but machine does not move.
« on: July 21, 2013, 11:09:56 AM »

I am currently refurbishing my cheap Chinese laser. I am using a demo copy of Mach3(I do intend to purchase the full licence if I can get the laser to work). I had the machine working and tuned the motores, and ran a short test program, and everything seemed to be working as expected. I do allot of engraving for promotional items, and would really like to be able to use raster engraving to do the lettering.

Yesterday I downloaded the Laser raster plugin, and attempted to get that working. I received the #9991 error, so I tried to use the Special driver to see if it would work. I didn't have much luck, and now the machine will not move at all.

I uninstalled Mach3, and re installed to see if that would correct things, but had no success.

The DRO's change when I press the arrow keys, but there is no movement of the axis. One thing I did notice, is that when the Laser was working properly(before I messed it up) the axis would lock when power was turned on. Now I can move them with my fingers.

I've rechecked the setting in both the output, and input configurations, and I can't see any problems.

If anyone has had this problem before, can you kindly suggest a way to fix it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: DRO shows movement, but machine does not move.
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2013, 12:28:55 PM »
Hi John,

With Mach3 running the axes should lock when power is applied to the machine.

Do your stepper motor drivers require an 'enable signal' ?
If so then check your 'Mach3 Config / Ports & Pins / Output signals' to see if it is set correctly. If you are using the parallel port for machine communication then also check the parallel port address 'Config / Ports & Pins / Port setup' to make sure that is correct.

If your stepper motor drivers do not require an 'enable signal' then the motors should lock when power is applied to the machine irrespective or Mach3 running or not - so the problem is most likely within your stepper motor drivers or their power supply. Perhaps checking all your wiring and associated connectors may reveal the problem also check your stepper motors power supply voltages.

Hope this helps.

Re: DRO shows movement, but machine does not move.
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2013, 12:45:24 PM »
Hi Tweakie.

Thank for the prompt reply,especially on a Sunday.

I opened the control up and checked all the wiring. It looks like it may have been a loose connection in the one of the home switches. It appears that the axis do now lock. I was pulling my hair out over this, but I really should have checked the simple stuff first.

I've been programming and running CNC for 25 years, and I find this control very easy to work with. You've done anexcellent job incorporating all the features that users like me need.

As soon as I get this raster problem sorted out, I'm going to be purchasing a full licence.

Thank again for the excellent support!