The driver test as you say is not a sure thing however I have yet to see a computer that has a perfect flat line not running Mach nicely.
The grey area is where you have some disturbances on the line, it may or may not run nicely. If the line is just a mess then it is almost certain it wont work nice.
Having the driver test give you pulsing too fast errors then its safe to say you are going to have problems even if you do manage to get some sort of motion.
Regarding what the pulsing too fast means, you would really need to ask Art but my guess would be that it is unstable and thus the driver test sees a pulse there but has no idea what it actually is.
It will definitely run nowhere near the SS, Art has had it running faster than 100KHz if I recall but it was not stable enough for release.
The parallel port driver has its place, if you have a stepper based system and you get a nice clean line in the driver test then you will likely see no benefits from the Smoothstepper, if however you run servos with relatively high count encoders then I would say the SmoothStepper or one of the other external devices is a must.