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Author Topic: x and y movement confusen  (Read 4556 times)

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x and y movement confusen
« on: December 17, 2013, 03:04:13 PM »
I am confused of the movement on my mill. (Mach 3 settup) I espect the spindle  to go to the left (+ postiv dir.) when I press the left arror, put +10x in the dro and then "go to zero" and put g0x10 in the MDI. The same in the y direction (+ posetiv dir. away from me {or up}).
But this is what is happening in the x dir.:

Press left arrow spindle move to left (OK)
Enter +10 in x DRO, spindle move to left (OK)
Enter g0x10 in MDI, spindle move to right (?)

In the y dir, this is what happen:
Press up arrow spindle move up (OK)
Enter +10 in y DRO, spindle moves down (?)
Enter g0y10 in MDI, spindle moves up (OK)

How can I correct this? My mill is working well, but it is confusing to remember this and its easy to go wrong.

Thanks for any help


Offline RICH

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Re: x and y movement confusen
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2013, 04:07:50 PM »
Re: x and y movement confusen
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2013, 05:21:15 PM »
Thanks, but that was not the qestion. If you look at my question you se that the movement in one axses is differen according to the way I am using mach 3. I was espekting the spindle to move in the same direction if I used either arrow left, go to sero using dro x 10 or using MDI g0x10. Am I wrong? Have I explaind me OK?
Espect that it is some settings in mach 3 I have missed?


Offline RICH

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Re: x and y movement confusen
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2013, 08:07:13 AM »
Attach your xml file.


Offline ger21

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Re: x and y movement confusen
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2013, 10:15:55 AM »
When you enter 10 in the DRO and press goto zero, the tool is moving from 10 to 0. When you do G0 X10, the tool is moving from 0 to 10. Opposite directions.

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Re: x and y movement confusen
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2013, 10:40:02 AM »
When you enter 10 in the DRO and press goto zero, the tool is moving from 10 to 0. When you do G0 X10, the tool is moving from 0 to 10. Opposite directions.
Thanks, that explains it. The only thing now is to change the direction on the x arrow movement.

Re: x and y movement confusen
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2013, 03:53:31 PM »
When you enter 10 in the DRO and press goto zero, the tool is moving from 10 to 0. When you do G0 X10, the tool is moving from 0 to 10. Opposite directions.
Thanks, that explains it. The only thing now is to change the direction on the x arrow movement.


I tested the mill again and everything is ok, in a matter of fact it was ok all the time. What was wrong was that I had not learnd the "driving rules".
Thanks for putting me right (and my confusing).