I am confused of the movement on my mill. (Mach 3 settup) I espect the spindle to go to the left (+ postiv dir.) when I press the left arror, put +10x in the dro and then "go to zero" and put g0x10 in the MDI. The same in the y direction (+ posetiv dir. away from me {or up}).
But this is what is happening in the x dir.:
Press left arrow spindle move to left (OK)
Enter +10 in x DRO, spindle move to left (OK)
Enter g0x10 in MDI, spindle move to right (?)
In the y dir, this is what happen:
Press up arrow spindle move up (OK)
Enter +10 in y DRO, spindle moves down (?)
Enter g0y10 in MDI, spindle moves up (OK)
How can I correct this? My mill is working well, but it is confusing to remember this and its easy to go wrong.
Thanks for any help