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Author Topic: Mach3 lathe. Homing speed goes to rapid and crashes Z at 175ipm despite...  (Read 1880 times)

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I have mach 3 lathe running well, except that (after I run a program) if I home X and Home Z via the home buttons, the homing feedrate precentage I have entered in the homing/limits page is ignored. Then, my X and Z rapid to the home switches, and in the case of the Z, this is currently at 175IPM.

I suspect that I need something at the end of my lathe gcode to cancel out any previous feedrate modification, and to allow the homing sequence to occur at the 20% of rapid speeds that I am set at(on the homing limits page)

I think the above paragraph is the issue, because if I close out of Mach and restart, it will preform the homing at the correct 20% of rapid speed.

Any thoughts?