new drivers are expensive, I thought you were trying to minimise cost by retaining the existing motors and drives.
If so search until you find the documentation that describes what you've got. I'm not sure but I believe Fanuc have an 'input'
board that attaches the drive proper and that board is what determines the required input signals.
One possibility to be aware of is that some of these drives are not meant to be used as position control, they're intended as
speed controlled devices ie spindles.
If you have to replace/repair the drives/motors you may be advised to ditch Fanuc, good but really pricey. Have a look on Ebay
or Ali express, Delta servos and drives are readily available around the $600-700 for 1hp with 10000ppr incremental encoders
and around $1000 for absolute encoders, that's the motor AND drive, good value and they have a steady reputation. They're a bit
like an 'asshole'...'everyones got one!'. There are cheaper makes on Ali Express as well but for me at least unknown reputation.
I of course don't know your boss, I don't know what makes my boss tick either... but I know what makes him explode!