I have been reading on here for a long time now hoping i wouldn't have to post but..
With too little research i bought a 4X4 plasma table.
Im running this BOB i know its not that great.)
Also using ESS by wrap9td
PM45 with MIC
ESS and BOB powered by 5v isolated from Desktop
I also have proma THC. ( i know its not much)
I went with this because of my lack of research. I also wanted to upgrade in the future if everything pans out
As of now i am trying to get the torch to fire. I appear to have good motion on XY&Z axis
it is my understanding i need to connect the Plasma start to the output or spindle relay pins on the bob.
is this correct? I cant get any signal there. i noticed there is a place for 12-24v in do i need this?
when i toggle torch on in mach 3 i can hear the relay click and i get the red led on the BOB but nothing. if someone could point me to the correct pins or point out what im missing.
I have cnc experience but not so much mach 3. Im sure this is somthing pretty simple.
at this point im not even worried about THC i just want to get the torch to fire first.
Thank you