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Author Topic: Serial Interface Question  (Read 3003 times)

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Serial Interface Question
« on: June 18, 2007, 11:36:24 PM »
I just purchased a Phoenix GS Mill. X, Y & Z all appear to work fine with onboard controls.

Question is: System controls connect to the PC through a DB25 serial connection. Does Mach 3 support serial connection or just parallel?
It appears that the steppers are controlled with drives from centroid but not sure.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks ???
Re: Serial Interface Question
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2007, 04:21:53 AM »
You can not use mach to pulse serial pins, you'll have to use the printer port, or any of the other supported ways (ncpod,Grex,Gallil).
If you want to use mach you probably should lock out 'system controls', en connect the drives directly (or better via a breakout board) to the printer port.
On the other hand, if your machine does what it has to do for you, why change anything?
Maybe the serial port is used to send G-code-files to your machine. In that case, you can use mach or better lazycam, to generate your G-code and use hyperterminal
to send tje files.
Hope this gets you (or your machine) moving!
Logic takes you from A to B, imagination takes you anywhere
Re: Serial Interface Question
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2007, 10:29:44 AM »
Thanks for the reply. I will try your suggestions this weekend.