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Author Topic: Yes - Another TB6560 Motors Not Running Thread...  (Read 4770 times)

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Offline Zig

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Yes - Another TB6560 Motors Not Running Thread...
« on: December 19, 2012, 10:13:07 PM »
I've researched a few of the other threads on this topic and am following a couple that seem active on the issue, but I thought I would start a new one with a few more specific questions.  Thank you for indulging me.

I have Mach3 running on an XP desktop computer.  The computer is plenty powerful enough to run Mach3 per required specs.  The program will run cleanly on the screen with the RoadRunner sample. 

I have the TB6560 board (the blue one) and all three NEMA 23s are connected.  I'm pretty confident that the wiring is correct per online research and data sheets, but who knows at this point.  The power supply is a 24 unit.

Here's what happens.  I power up the board and turn on the computer.  The motors all whine and the shafts are locked.  The LEDs are all lit on the TB6560 board.  It stays in this state until I open Mach3.  When I open the program the motors unlock and stop the whine.  The board is still on and the little cooling fan is blowing.

When I start the RoadRunner sample I can see it run on the screen fine, but no motor action.  When I click start on the screen I can hear the relay on the board click.  And when I hit stop on the screen I can hear the relay on the board click off.  I can see the X and Y axis LEDs on the board sorta flicker at what would appear to be receiving G-Code data for each axis.

I've reset the pin outs for what I've stumbled to online and through this great forum, but I think I am still just having a configuration problem. 

This is my first CNC build.  I've built this machine from scratch and feel like the CNC bug has bit me - I'm already planning the design for my next machine!  I realize that this TB6560 is not the best board around, but I thought this would be a good project to just dip my toe in the hobby and learn from.  I just need to get this thing configured...

Any and all suggestions are very welcomed

Many thanks,

Re: Yes - Another TB6560 Motors Not Running Thread...
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2012, 11:45:47 PM »

I don't know the specifics of this board but it sounds like the board has an enable pin on the DB25 to the PC.

When Mach3 is not running, the enable pin is pulled high by the boards or parallel port pull-ups, enable the drives, locking the motors.

When mach3 runs this line is being pulled to 0 V by Mach3 , disabling the drives, unlocking the motors.

You need to look at the spec sheet for your TB6560  CNC board and make sure that Mach3 is configured to drives the pins correctly for you TB6560  board.

Have a look at this manual on how to configure Mach3.


And this one is also useful.


Homann Designs
email: peter at homanndesigns.com

Offline Zig

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Re: Yes - Another TB6560 Motors Not Running Thread...
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2012, 08:23:32 AM »
Thanks Peter.  I'll go through the manuals slowly and see what I can figure out.  Challenges are always a good thing.  My 12-year-old son gets terribly upset when things don't go perfectly.  I keep telling him that we learn more when things don't to as planned than we do if there are no glitches.

Thank you again.

Re: Yes - Another TB6560 Motors Not Running Thread...
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2017, 06:56:06 AM »
I know the thread is an old one but I have a similar problem, just got my machine fired up but no motors, I am using an ECG-Savebase BOB board with an enable connection which goes to TB6600 Stepper drivers, first problem I found was the 24volt motor PSU was in fact 12 volts but should still work but my main concern is the GND connection on BOB board is not going anywhere and I am sure it needs connecting to 0volt of 24volt Stepper driver PSU, I have a small scope which I will try and trace signal but have you any thoughts of this ground connections need linking together

Regards John