Sub Main() 'made it a sub, so you can return on "show stopper" errors
'Option Explicit 'Written by Big-Tex Dec 26 2010 Updated Jun 3 2014
'Mod pb 11dec10
Dim ZNew, Zplate, Zrestposition, ZMaterialmachcoord, ZPlatejobcoord, Zplatetomaterial
Dim xjobcoord, yjobcoord, xmachcoord, ymachcoord, zmachcoord
Dim xprobeloc, yprobeloc, xtoprobe, ytoprobe, PlateOffset
Dim CurrentFeed, Zretract
Dim CurrentAbsInc
xjobcoord = GetDRO(0) 'get current job coordinate for X
yjobcoord = GetDRO(1) 'get current job coordinate for Y
xmachcoord = GetOemDRO(83) 'get current machine coordinate for X
ymachcoord = GetOemDRO(84) 'get current machine coordinate for Y
zmachcoord = GetOemDRO(85) 'get current machine coordinate for Z
xprobeloc = GetUserDRO(1100) 'get X machine coordinate location of the touch plate
yprobeloc = GetUserDRO(1101) 'get Y machine coordinate location of the touch plate
xtoprobe = (xprobeloc - xmachcoord + xjobcoord) 'calculate the X move from the current location to the touch plate
ytoprobe = (yprobeloc - ymachcoord + yjobcoord) 'calculate the Y move from the current location to the touch plate
PlateOffset = GetUserDRO(1151) 'get plate offset DRO
CurrentFeed = GetOemDRO(818) 'get the current feedrate to return to later
Zretract = GetOemDRO(1202) 'get Z tool change location
CurrentAbsInc = GetOemLED(48) 'Get the current G90/G91 state
'//////// the block below will set all your reusable vars depending on Inch or mm.
'//////// this sets the vars so you only need ONE large block of probing code.
if GetOEMLED(801) Then 'ON = English Measure INCH
FirstProbeDist = 6.0 'first probe travel
FirstRetractDist = 0.1 'first probe retract travel
SecProbeDist = 0.25 'second probe travel
FirstProbeFeed = 10 'First Probe Feed Speed
SecondProbeFeed = 2 'Second Probe Feed Speed
Else 'OFF = Metric Measure MM
FirstProbeDist = 150.0 'first probe travel
FirstRetractDist = 3.0 'first probe retract travel
SecProbeDist = 6.0 'second probe travel
FirstProbeFeed = 300 'First Probe Feed Speed
SecondProbeFeed = 50 'Second Probe Feed Speed
End If
'//////// Error Condition checking code
If GetOemLED(16)<>0 Then 'Checks for machine coordinates
Code "(Please change to working coordinates)"
Exit Sub 'ERROR! exit the macro
End If
If GetOemLED(825)<>0 Then
Code "(Z-Plate Grounded Check connection and try again)"
Exit Sub 'ERROR! exit the macro
End If
'//////// Start Probing Code, Probe In -Z direction.MOVABLE PROBE PLATE
'//////// The vars will be Inch or Metric from above if/else statment
sleep(1000) 'pause 1 seconds to give time to position probe plate
Code "F" & FirstProbeFeed 'slow down feedrate to 10 ipm
ZNew = ( GetDro(2) - FirstProbeDist ) 'probe move to current z - 6 inches
Code "G90 G31Z" & ZNew
While IsMoving() 'wait for probe move to finish
ZNew = GetVar(2002) 'read the touch point
Code "G0 Z" & ( ZNew + FirstRetractDist ) 'move back to hit point incase there was overshoot +.1
While IsMoving ()
Code "F" & SecondProbeFeed 'slow down feedrate to 2 ipm
ZNew = ( GetDro(2) - SecProbeDist ) 'probe move to current z - .25 inches
Code "G90 G31Z" & ZNew
While IsMoving() 'wait for probe move to finish
ZNew = GetVar(2002) 'read the touch point
Code "G0 Z" & ZNew 'move back to hit point incase there was overshoot
While IsMoving ()
Call SetDro (2, PlateOffset) 'set the Z axis DRO to plate thickness
sleep(250) 'pause for Dro to update.
Code "G53 G0 Z" & Zretract
While IsMoving ()
Code "F" & CurrentFeed 'returns to prior feed rate
'//////// End Probing Code,
If GetOEMLED(801) Then 'ON = English Measure INCH
Code "(Z axis is now zeroed in English Units)" 'puts this message in the status bar
Else 'OFF = Metric Measure MM
Code "(Z axis is now zeroed in Metric Units)" 'puts this message in the status bar
End If
If CurrentAbsInc = 0 Then 'if G91 was in effect before then return to it
Code "G91"
End If
End Sub