I have an Ox CNC that has been working well for a number of years with Gecko G540 and Ethernet Smooth Stepper.
I recently added a rotary 4th axis stepper motor and did a new configuration. The slaved X is slaved to B. Y is disabled and A is active. The unit jogs in all three axis (X,Z,A) as it should.
I am trying to cut the surface of a 6" PVC pipe. I use Fusion 360 and set up the 4th axis wrapping and loaded the file into Mach3. The Table Display shows the pocket to cut on the surface of the PVC but the image is flipped. The Table Display shows it opposite in two directions. The surface is completed flipped along X. Instead of top at router it is toward the bottom on the opposite side. I am not sure if this a Mach3 problem or a Fusion 360 problem. I have tried everything I can think of to correct it.
Looking for help.