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Author Topic: MachMotion Wizard for Threats in Mach4 sometimes freezing  (Read 2372 times)

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MachMotion Wizard for Threats in Mach4 sometimes freezing
« on: October 17, 2024, 08:17:19 AM »
Hi All,

I run a Lathe on Mach4 with an ESS Smoothstepper, which works usually fine.
Lately I have an issue with the wizard on threats with a single point tool.
Don't believe it's a wizard issue, as the G-Code looks correct.
The process is starting and while waiting on the index signal it's not starting to cut. When it starts, it works fine, but it happened a couple of times, that it's not starting.
Interesting enough in the log file, you could see the detection of the index signal from the spindel, so the index signal is recognized several times without a start.
Mach4 version: Mach4 Hobby License and ESS version: v298

Here is the G-code and it doesn't start to move in the z-direction (btw: it is not a softlimit violation):

(Starting Gcode for Threading Cycle: ThreadingM12)
T0606 (Tool Change)
G99 (Feed per Revolution)
G97 S500 (Constant Speed)
M03 (Spindle Forward)
M07 (Mist)
G00 X12.200 (Positioning for Start of Cycle)
G00 Z-1.900 (Positioning for Start of Cycle)
G76 P030060 Q0.100000 R0.100000 K1
G76 X9.600000 Z-27.000000 R0.000000 P1.200000 Q0.300000 F1.750000    <------------------------
(End Gcode for Threading Cycle: ThreadingM12)

I would appreciate any help or suggestions.


Offline cncmagic

  •  103 103
  • what me worry? heck...it ain't my machine anyway
Re: MachMotion Wizard for Threats in Mach4 sometimes freezing
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2024, 05:07:52 PM »
i'm currently having a different issue but might be same cause.. I also have Mach4 Hobby and an ESS.. randomly, either one of my outputs won't turn on or off.. they will show in Mach4 correctly but the ESS doesn't change the state.. ditto for randomly not being able to sense inputs correctly. I had an issue with Homing In Place, which I resolved but appears to be some sort of communication and timing issue between Mach4 and the ESS. I'd guess your issue is similar.. I'm only now looking into the i/o problems.. If I find a solution I'll pass it along.  ???
any semblance of information posted to anything remotely  close to accuracy is merely coincidence. Use at you own discretion.. or play the lottery.. same odds
Re: MachMotion Wizard for Threats in Mach4 sometimes freezing
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2024, 06:43:51 PM »
that sounds somehow familiar. I have one input P2-10 which was connected to my x Limit switch, this is not working any more, not sure, if there is a defect on the BOB. After changing to another input pin, the limit switch is working again. The inputs for Index Z and A, B are working fine on the BOB and in Mach4. As I said, it's even recognized in the Log file, but when it freeze it not starting again with the next index.