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Author Topic: Series1 Bridgeport CNC retro  (Read 6476 times)

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Series1 Bridgeport CNC retro
« on: April 27, 2006, 04:56:08 PM »
Have finally finished my series 1 retrofit, its been a long haul as I have been waiting to get into my new workshop before I completed it. Finally got the lease sorted out and moved the mill in on Monday and have just today finished swapping the motors and limits over from the manual mill that I previously converted and have been using for the last year or so. I made a short video of the first cuts on the mill today but unfortunately I cant get it uploaded to my site, must be too big :(
You will see some pics of the mill from start to finish here http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/hoodsmachiningpages/Series1Retro.htm

Offline Bloy

  •  158 158
Re: Series1 Bridgeport CNC retro
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2006, 11:26:04 PM »
whew!  That was some project!   Nicely done!

John (bloy)


Re: Series1 Bridgeport CNC retro
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2006, 03:31:19 AM »
Thanks, it was fun, old Colchester Student lathe next but will be a while, gotta make some money first :)


Offline John S

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  • Nottingham England
Re: Series1 Bridgeport CNC retro
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2006, 08:06:28 AM »
Is that one of the larger Arc Euro motors on the Z ?
If so how did you extend the shaft to take the timing belt pulley? I have to do this to my old servo MDI machine.

Is that a G-Rex in the cabinet ?

John S.


Re: Series1 Bridgeport CNC retro
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2006, 11:50:26 AM »
 yes its the largest that Arc sell, had to extend the shaft on all three axis. All I did was turn a piece of 316 stainless (what I have most of) to if I remember 18mm OD and bored out the ID to the length and Dia of the shaft. For the Z I had to use a setscrew to hold this extension to the motor then the pulley was fixed to the extension with another setscrew. The X and Y did not have to extend quite as much so the one setscrew goes right through the pulley and extension onto the motor shaft.
 No G-Rex, I have the three G202's, PMDX 122, Ipac (probably what you are thinking is the rex) and a couple of PCBs I made one for limits and speed sensor connection and the other just as a direct connection to the second parallel port (for my MPG). I have also allowed space for the ModIO and the speed control board from Peter Homann and the Interface board from Rogers machine. Not sure when I will get them but wanted to be prepared so that I dont have to make up mounts at a later stage.
 G-Rex would be nice, John P was saying it has improved rapids quite a bit on the mill he has, think over double the speed so once its a bit more mature I might get one.