my friend,
What I am saying is, when I fully load mach3 with its driver, nothing goes wrong on device manager. Every driver is loaded. But in this case, keyboard jog does not work, frequency is ZERO. When I uninstall everything(I also tried to re-install windows) and then install mach3 WITHOUT driver, jog is working but of course frequency says "SIMULATE".
What I'm interested is, laptop hardware maybe cannot run with mach3, okay. in this case pulses must be delayed and steppers cannot follow the mach3. but even in this case frequency must be run and keyboard arrow keys, jog should work. Loading driver stops the timer. Even if there's no physical parallel port exists on computer. that makes me crazy. because this means laptops and/or lpt ports can always cause problems without any error message. You cannot select a specific computer to run mach3. problems can raise EVEN system DOES NOT HAVE parallel port and you cannot know until you bought computer, bring home and install mach3.
I believe the design of mach3 driver causes it. And there's no solution. this laptop has parallel port. so it should work. OR should miss steps. But should NEVER stops its timer.