Have finished populating all my boards and tried to spin a motor. Thats when I ran into problems; the engineer in me says to start at the front and work my way step by step. I have no electronic experience but as a chemical engineer feel I follow directions well and am some what good at problem solving? Not as good as when I was younger but not ready for the home yet.
Have learned to make a simple CAD program, converted to g code and it runs (dro move and tool path shows proper movement.) Have the following questions:
1. On the diagnostic page I have red on the Ref A, B, & C which I can not get rid of.
2. On the motor Tuning & setup I can not get a value to stay on the "step pulse." It is 0, says it should be 1-5. I then type in a new number, save axis values, but when I go back to check it has defaulted back to 0??
3. When I check the pins on the computer Parallel Port with MACH3 screen on but nothing running I get the following values;
Pin 3 & 4 are 4.058 and 4.424 volts.
Pin 24 is 4.9 volts
Pins 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, & 25 are 0.043 volts
Pins 22, & 23 are 0.013 volts
All other pins are 0
Have a scope (Tek 465), not sure how to use it or if it works properly (bought off ebay) but I can't see any activity on any of the pins using it.
Running on an old computer, desk top, but processor speed is only 750. Many posts say have to have at least 1000. Could this be the problem, I though the slower speed may make it miss steps but would still run?
Open for suggestions?