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Author Topic: VB process automatization  (Read 3760 times)

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VB process automatization
« on: January 23, 2009, 12:35:10 PM »
Hi all

I've got amateur grinding maschine with X (linear encoder) and A axis and I want to make a autodigitalization process of the cams.
I'm curious if it is possible to make a VB script to automate that process, like this way:

button pushed -> A axe makes increment rotary move from 0deg to 0,5deg with set feedrate -> than script writes the encoder's position and the A axe's position to the file (prefered excel file) -> A axe makes increment rotary move from 0,5deg to 1deg -> and so on.... up to 360deg

I'm totally rookie in VB, so if somebody can help me, I'll be vere thankful.

Maby some of You know other ideas to make this auto-process??

I'm foreigner so forgive me my words mistakes.


« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 02:03:22 PM by gralu »


Re: VB process automatization
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2009, 10:18:28 PM »
Rafal , it is possible. I use mach to do this but ake another approach. I use the probing feature and the G31 cycle.

I basically rotate the Aaxis .1deg then probe down to the lobe surface and retract, rotate probe retract, etc

One COULD write a macro that collected the points from an encoder as you need BUT it will not be a simple code project and would best be done through a plugin not a macro.

You will end up with a file that has 1000s of points that need to be smoothed to make a good copy of the lobe.

Keep us informed, (;-) TP